Submitted by SWFBU on
Firefighters are taking to the streets of their local communities to ask the public for their support against cuts to the frontline of the Service. A public consultation is ongoing into plans to make massive cuts in Devon & Somerset Fire Service. The cuts would get rid of over 140 frontline Firefighter jobs and see many Fire Engines and Fire Stations downgraded. The FBU say these cuts will compromise public safety!
Firefighters are taking their message onto the streets of their local communities and asking the public to sign petitions and take part in the consultation to say NO to cuts. Listed below are just some of the some dates when your local Firefighters will be in the town asking for your support. Please have your say, your voice is important - Take part in the consultation and tell politicians NO more cuts in the Fire Service!
Plymouth - Action Day of leafletting and petition signing in the City Centre 16th March
Torbay - A series of petition sites will be set up across Torbay starting Saturday 2nd March 10am - 2pm
Taunton - Action Day of leafletting and petition signing in the Town Centre 16th March
Ilfracombe - A series of days leafleting on - 1st / 8th / 15th March
Please support your local Fire Crews - Say No to Cuts!
For more information please click here.

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