Press Release Re Hutton Pension Proposals

MEDIA RELEASE: 7 October 2010

South West Firefighters express outrage and anger at “unjust” Hutton pension proposals

Firefighters across the South West have expressed anger at the initial recommendations by the Hutton commission on public sector pensions. The Hutton proposals suggest increasing Firefighters retirement age, cutting their pension provision, and upping their pension contributions.

Firefighters in the Region believe these proposals to be totally unjust and see them as a further attack on their profession when they are already facing a pay freeze and massive cuts. The FBU has promised to oppose any attack on the pension scheme and has pointed out that Firefighters already pay up to11% contributions and that Fire Service pensions underwent a major reform and “modernisation” only a few years ago.

Tam McFarlane, FBU Executive member for the South West said: “FBU members across the South West, from Gloucestershire to Cornwall, have been contacting the Union and expressing their opposition and condemnation of the initial Hutton proposals. The thrust of these proposals is that Firefighters would pay more, work longer and get less. There appears to be no recognition of the dangerous and physically demanding nature of a Firefighters role or the massive personal contribution that our Members make towards their pension.”

The firefighters’ pension has been reformed substantially as recently as 2006 and is already fair, sustainable and affordable. Subsequent changes in ill health provision have also achieved further savings in the scheme and the Union rejects as an insult and a myth any suggestion that Firefighters pensions are “gold plated”.

Mr McFarlane went on to say: “Firefighting is a very physical profession which is at the cutting edge of front line emergency services. To suggest increasing retirement ages, is an ill thought out idea which is not in the public interest. Many of our Members served in the Armed Forces and have subsequently transferred these pensions into the Fire Service Pension scheme. If Hutton gets his way these hard earned pensions will be lost and our Members plans for the future will be destroyed.

John Drake FBU Regional Secretary said: “Our Members are united in their condemnation of these proposals and we will do everything necessary to protect them. This is a politically motivated attack. We have seen our pensions substantially altered in recent times and they are clearly sustainable and affordable. Despite this one of the first things that this new Government has done is to paint our pensions as “gold plated” and target them for change using the current deficit as an excuse. We will not accept this. The greedy bankers who caused this massive deficit are already back to enjoying huge bonuses and yet our members are expected to pay for it with their pensions. We are already working very closely with other Unions in the South West and will use our combined efforts to defend working people’s pension rights which have been hard won over many years.” 


Tam McFarlane     07813 170279
John Drake              07813 170755