Chancellor's Statement - Public Sector Workers Earning Less than £21,000

CIRCULAR: 2010HOC0526AD                                                                    25th August 2010


Dear Brother Sister,


Members will be aware that in the Emergency Budget announced on 22ndJune 2010, the Chancellor announced that he would be asking public sector workers to accept a pay freeze for two years. He further stated that those public sector workers earning less than £21,000 per year should receive a flat rate increase of £250 in each of the two years. It is important to note that the proposed pay freeze is not binding on non-government public sector employers (e.g. the Fire and Rescue Service via the NJC).

The full time employees in the FRS who come under the scope of the Grey Book who earn less than £21,000 are control staff in the training/development phases. The issue of whether the £250 will be paid to these control staff members has already, not unnaturally, started to emerge within the FBU. It is important to understand that the National Fire Service Employers were fully cognisant of what the Chancellor had said when they wrote to the FBU on 25thJune 2010 stating that they were unable to make an offer on pay for 2010. They did this very deliberately and with no exceptions for those personnel earning less than £21,000.

It is important to note that the National Employers have made a conscious decision to treat all Grey Book staff in an equally appalling way.

You will know that the FBU’s pay claim for all members for 2010 for a rise in line with RPI remains in place and will be pursued at a time and in a manner which suits the Fire Brigades Union and its members. All brigade committees have been asked to discuss this attack by our employers and to ensure that reports are given so that the Executive Council can discuss our response.

Yours fraternally,
Assistant General Secretary