All Members Circular - Correspondence with CLG Fire Minister, Year 3 employee contribution increase and other issues

TO:          ALL MEMBERS


Dear Brother/Sister

Correspondence with CLG fire minister, Year 3 employee contribution increase and other issues

Last week circular 2013HOC0662MW provided members with an update on our pension campaign.

Correspondence with CLG

We have also been exchanging corresponding with CLG Fire Minister, Brandon Lewis in relation to our concerns. We have stressed that the issue of fitness/capability is only one element of our trade dispute and any resolution to this dispute cannot consider this point in isolation.

Our most recent letter explains exactly why the FBU concerns around ‘No Job No Pension’ remain unresolved in England and Wales.  Mr Lewis has suggested that guidance issued under the Fire and Rescue Service National Framework (England) could resolve this element. Our letter explains why his suggested approach would not provide the guarantee required to resolve this issue.

The letter also outlines our disappointment with the Fire Minister’s decision to withdraw the 19 June proposal in relation to improved flexible retirement arrangements. We explain that this withdrawal will not assist a settlement to the dispute. A copy of our letter is attached.

Roundtable on Fitness/Capability

The union has formally accepted an invitation to a CLG ‘roundtable’ discussion in relation to fitness and capability on 4 December. A report of this meeting will be contained in future circulars.

Further Employee Contribution Increases

It is very disappointing that on Friday 29 November 2013 the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) formally issued a consultation document outlining the intention to increase employee contributions in England for the third year from 1 April 2014. We now expect Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to follow suit as has been the case previously. The FBU will be submitting a detailed response outlining our opposition to these increases.

Second Ballot for Action

The ballot for action short of strike ends on 4 December 2013 which will allow us to utilise other types of action as well as strikes. An Executive Council meeting has been arranged to discuss this further development and potential industrial action for the short and longer term.

YouGov Survey

Members are also reminded to complete the YouGov survey which opened on 27 November and runs until 18 December. This survey is accessible via the FBU website and only takes a few minutes to complete.

Best wishes.

Yours fraternally




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