All Members Circular - YouGov Survey 2013 - Members Views on Current Pension Proposals

26th November 2013


TO:             ALL MEMBERS


Dear Brother/Sister,

YouGov Survey 2013 – Members views on the current pension proposals

The FBU has previously used information from YouGov surveys to provide supporting evidence about the attitudes of firefighters towards the government’s pension proposals. This type of information has already been key in our responses both on the affordability and workability of the current proposals.

The UK government's proposal for further employee contribution increases are expected to be made known very soon. This will mean a third year of contribution increases with the potential for further increases in the future.

In addition to this a Normal Pension Age of 60 has been imposed using primary legislation in England, Scotland and Wales with a proposal to follow suit in Northern Ireland.

This will be the third time we have utilised a YouGov survey and this year it is extremely important that you participate.

This time the survey has been designed not only to take account of the different proposals throughout the UK, but also to focus on the proposals to further increase contributions. These are consistent across Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

It is important that when you take part in this you also identify which part of the UK you work and which scheme you are in.

Any survey is dependent upon members participating and this one is no different. Please ensure that you and your work colleagues take part.

This YouGov survey will start on 27 November and will finish at 12.00 18 December 2013.

Members can access the survey via the FBU website and can complete it using computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones but please recognise that to avoid multiple submissions once a device has been used to take part its ‘IP address’ is logged and subsequent submissions are not recorded.

It is extremely important that you participate.

Please take a few minutes to do so.

Best wishes.

Yours fraternally



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