South West FBU Condemns Statement from Business and Industry Secretary


The Fire Brigades Union in the South West condemns the statement from Business and Industry Secretary, Vince Cable, who warned Trade Unions that strike action may see tougher anti trade union laws introduced.

SWFBU Regional Secretary John Drake said “In the UK we already have the most restrictive trade union legislation in the Western world and now a Liberal Democrat Minister is proposing even tougher laws if workers have the temerity to fight for pay, pensions and jobs. His comments on strike action hurting the economic and social fabric of the country are disgraceful since it is the Government’s economic policies which are doing just that.”

“Firefighters and Control Room staff are rightfully angry that their pay is going down, in real terms, their pension costs are increasing and their jobs are under threat and yet they look around and see the bankers, who caused this economic crisis, enjoying huge bonuses and lottery winning sized salaries. If the multi millionaires in Cabinet cannot see the injustices around them, if they won’t listen and act upon the fears of millions of low and middle income families then what choice do workers have?”

“Industrial action is always a last resort and it comes after a rigorous legal process that employers often try to challenge through the courts. The right to withdraw ones labour is what separates workers from slaves. Rather than focusing his attention on restricting workers rights he should be restricting the rich from ferreting away millions of pounds in overseas accounts away from the taxman”

Media contact
John Drake Regional Secretary 07813 170755