London Region Hardship Fund

London Region Hardship Fund

All FBU Members in the South West are well aware of the ongoing dispute in London and the belligerent and bullying attitude taken by senior politicians and management in that Brigade in trying to force fellow FBU members into accepting what is clearly not acceptable to them.

Whilst strike action has been suspended there is ongoing industrial action short of strikes. This is primarily Crew Managers who are expected to “act up” with no additional pay when the Watch Manager is unavailable.

Crew Managers and Firefighters are also expected to remain on station at the end of shifts when standbys are required for up to 4 hours. When refusing to carry out such orders our members have been docked pay of up to 60%.

It is vital that we continue to support, financially, our members in London and hardship collections should be taking place in all workplaces in the South West.

Our Union is built upon solidarity and there is no better way to show this at this time than by organising a collection now.

Details of the London Hardship Fund are:

Bank: - Lloyds TSB
Sort Code: - 30-94-57
Acc No: - 01764558