All Members Circular - Pay Discussions and the attack on living Standards


Dear Brother/Sister


We remain in a long and difficult campaign on the issue of pensions. This has not prevented other attacks. The Fire and Rescue Service faces the worst cuts in its history with the result that jobs are being lost and conditions of service attacked. Members are also suffering from years of pay restraint, including a two year pay freeze imposed straight after the 2010 general election. The result is that the living standards of firefighters and their families are falling.

The attack on pay and living standards forms part of the national political debate and the ‘cost of living crisis’ is likely to be a major feature of the debate as we approach the general election next year. This is because the attack on living standards affects millions across the public and private sector. There are various estimates but it has been calculated that workers’ families are worse off on average by between £1,000 and £1,600 per year since 2010. This is clearly unacceptable and we need to discuss how we work together, and with others in the trade union movement to challenge this and campaign for improved living standards.

There are a number of strands to our work on wages and living standards.

•    The TUC has debated the issues and is campaigning on behalf of all affiliated trade unions and indeed all workers, around the theme: Britain Needs a Pay Rise. This campaign will include a major national demonstration on Saturday 18 October.

•    The People’s Assembly Against Austerity has also called a national demonstration in London against all aspects of austerity on Saturday 21 June. Further details will follow.

•    The FBU continues to discuss with our Employers the need for a pay rise for 2014. These discussions continue and we shall issue further information as soon as possible. As part of this the union is researching the impact of pay restraint on our member and also how others (such as Chief Fire Officers) have fared during the same period.

•    Our Conference in 2013 debated the issue of pay in the context of The Future of the Fire and Rescue Service. This debate acknowledged that the work our members undertake has changed and developed throughout the modern history of the Service.

o    In the late 1950s we campaigned for the introduction of workplace inspections and other new work – as a way of professionalising our Service and of making the case for better wages and conditions.

o    In the 1960s and 70s we took on many new areas of rescue work.

o    In more recent years we have seen a growing debate around issues such as flooding or terrorist events.

•    Our 2013 Conference agreed that discussions should be undertaken with our Employers about the future of our Service and our profession but that any such discussions needed to take account of the demand for decent pay to reflect the work our members carry out every day.

•    Discussions on some of these issues have commenced with the Fire Service Employers and areas for discussion are being identified. This may include, for example, Joint Working Groups on certain aspect of these discussions. Any progress and development will be reported back through our structures and, as necessary, to our Conference.

The situation facing workers is unprecedented in recent times. Austerity has meant a shifting of resources away from the majority and to a tiny minority at the top. Recent press reports confirm that while living standards have fallen for the majority the most wealthy, have seen their total wealth and share of wealth increase significantly. We can be sure that nothing is going to be handed to us on a plate. We will need to develop our case and build our campaigning strength both within the Fire and Rescue Service and as part of the wider trade union movement. Our campaign on every front needs to continue and the fantastic role FBU members have played at national and local level has been and will always be key to that.

Best wishes.

Yours fraternally



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